Seorin Kim


Hello, I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science, History, and Sociology (interdisciplinary study) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB, Free University of Brussels - Flemish Part) and I am part of Data Analytics Laboratory (Data Lab). With my interdisciplinary background, having studied Sociology (BSc from VUB) and Statistics and Data Science (MSc from KU Leuven), I joined the inter-university project, Ancestor’s Tale: 200 years of wealth inequality and redistributive policy. This project involves experts of different research fields (History, Sociology, Economics, Physics and Data Science) from three Flemish universities – KU Leuven, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Universiteit Antwerpen.

I am interested in computational modeling of complex systems and enjoy thinking about measures and metrics. Within the Ancestor’s Tale project, I aim to explore the evolution of wealth mobility and dynamics in Belgium’s past. My goal is to build a computational model that facilitates the exploration of various latent factors driving inequality and wealth distribution over time. I am also interested in data visualization and large language models!

Besides researching, I also do graphic design! For instance, I created banners for my teammates’ research topics on the Data Lab website. You can see them here.

How to pronounce my name?

  • [kr] 김 서린 (金栖璘)
  • [en] Serene Kim
  • [fr] Sé-rine Kim
  • [jp] キム サリン


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This project is maintained by SereneKim